Enrenfried Pfeiffer an early Biodynamic Pioneer wrote, “How can it happen that the spiritual impulse, and especially the inner schooling for which you are constantly providing stimulus and guidance, bear so little fruit? Why do the people concerned give so little evidence of spiritual experience, in spite of their efforts? Why worst of all, is the will for action, for the carrying out of these spiritual impulses, so weak?” Rudolf Steiner replied, “This a problem of nutrition. Nutrition as it is today does not supply the strength necessary for manifesting the spirit in physical life. A bridge can no longer be built from thinking to will and action. Food plants no longer contain the forces people need for this.”

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Early Growth and field update...

The plants are starting to grow at a steadier pace now that night time temperatures are getting warmer...



Cabbage & Broccoli

Unfortunately the deer are somehow finding a way to get in the field even with the electric fence. Last week we found out that they munched on some of the peas, but we should be fine because we over-planted peas. We remain concerned as they seemed to have found their way in since yesterday's rain but did not eat anything.

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